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Whether you have questions about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), or about a consumer financial product or service, or you want to submit a complaint, start here. We’ll point you in the right direction.

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TTY/TTD: (855) 729-2372

8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday (except federal holidays).

More than 180 languages available.

Submit a complaint

Having a problem with a financial product or service? We help consumers connect with financial companies to understand issues, fix errors, and get direct responses about problems.

Tell us about your issue—we’ll forward it to the company and work to get you a response, generally within 15 days.

Connect with us

About the CFPB

Learn about CFPB career opportunities

To request information about doing business with us, including information about our contract and procurement processes

To request or submit information about employment at the CFPB

CFPB compliance

To submit feedback about the accessibility of our web content
Email: CFPB_accessibility@cfpb.gov

To submit a Section 504 request
Email: CFPB_504Request@cfpb.gov

To request EEO information or file a complaint about acts of workplace discrimination within the CFPB (for employees or applicants of the CFPB, only)

ATTN: Office of Civil Rights
1700 G Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20552

Please note that this office does not handle civil rights violations experienced while using consumer financial products and services. To submit a complaint about consumer financial products or services, please use our online complaint form.

For questions or information about our compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)

To submit feedback about our compliance with the Plain Writing Act

For information about reporting illegal activities and whistleblower protections

Financial education programs and offices

To request information about our Financial Education Exchange (FinEx) program

To request information about our K-12 Financial education programs and resources

To request information about our resources for college students

To request information about the Your Money, Your Goals Toolkit