Professional Development

Plans are taking shape for our premier professional development event, the 2023 NC CTE Summer Conference. This conference is for NC educators who are passionate about Career and Technical Education and who recognize the importance of CTE in our state and in our nation's future. For years, we have helped educators interface to exchange professional solutions to become better instructional leaders. The 2024 conference had more than 2,000 participants and 50 exhibitors in attendance. With hard work and a dedicated conference committee, our conference is poised for another very successful event in 2025.

Benefits for Attendees:

Build the Relationship and Reap the Rewards

New Teacher Induction Program

CTE New Teacher Induction Program

The CTE division of NCDPI is offering five modules to meet the NCDPI‐sponsored staff development requirement for provisionally licensed CTE teachers.

  1. Effective Curriculum Use
  2. Instructional Tools and Classroom Management
  3. Partnerships, Resources, Work‐based Learning and Support
  4. Proofs of Learning, Data, Assessment, and Teacher Evaluation
  5. The CTSO Experience

These modules are especially designed for provisionally licensed Career and Technical Education teachers, but all new CTE teachers are encouraged to participate as each module has been carefully crafted to insure success in today’s CTE classroom. Modules consists of online coursework and/or a face‐to‐face (F2F) workshops.

All five courses must be completed within the first three years of teaching*

*Note: Local rules may be stricter. Please check with your CTE Director concerning registration information and local policies and procedures.


North Carolina Educator Evaluation System (NCEES) is the official Home Base application used by public and charter schools of North Carolina for storing and managing educator effectiveness. NCEES offers components designed to support the ongoing professional growth of K-12 educational leaders and teachers. This tool includes educator evaluation and professional development.

Professional Development through NCEES is designed to help equip educators with the tools and skills they need to improve student achievement. These online modules and courses are designed to offer flexible delivery and pacing, to model best practices in online learning design and instruction, and to provide a means of collaboration and discussion among educators across the state. Professional development is offered in both self-paced and instructor-led formats. To enroll:

  1. Log into the NCEES system using your IAM/NCEdCloud username and password
  2. Click the Professional Development tab
  3. Search for a course by title or list all courses
  4. Select the course you wish to register
  5. Click on the available section
  6. Click register

CTE New Teacher Institute


The North Carolina State Board of Education has approved Career and Technical Education (CTE) to offer the CTE New Teacher Institute starting school year 2021-2022. The CTE New Teacher Institute is a two-year research-based professional development program designed to build new and early-career CTE teachers’ capacity to plan instruction, engage students, manage classrooms, create standards-driven assessments and gain confidence in their craft. New CTE teachers that receive an Initial Restricted CTE License issued on or after July 1, 2020, may choose to complete the CTE New Teacher Institute as an alternative to the requirement of obtaining 18 credit hours of college coursework and the completion of the DPI sponsored CTE New Teacher Induction Program to convert the initial license to a continuing license. Please see the policy CTED-004 in the CTE Licensure Policies and Procedures Manual for details about the licensure policy for CTE Restricted License areas.

Training Components

The CTE New Teacher Institute will consist of in-person seminars, online modules, the CTSO Experience, monthly webinars, and authentic task completion throughout the length of the program.

Program Support

CTE New Teacher Institute participants will receive the following program supports: Mentors Participants will be assigned a teacher mentor from their school site to guide and assist throughout the program. The Beginning Teacher Support Program will assign mentors. Coaches The CTE New Teacher Institute will include three observations and guided conversations provided by the participant’s local Curriculum and Instructional Management Coordinator each year. CTE Director/ Building Administrators Building-level administrators and CTE Directors who supervise and support teachers will be required to attend a program orientation and training in August. Monthly emails will also be provided with reminders of activities, outline of upcoming activities and webinars, and a notice of or follow-up from coaching visits. Building-level administrators and CTE Directors may attend any of the seminars.

Beginning Teacher Support Program Alignment

The Beginning Teacher Support Program has identified the following CTE New Teacher Institute program components.

Beginning Teacher Induction Program Component CTE New Teacher Institute Alignment
Beginning Teacher MentoringThe CTE New Teacher Institute program can use the BT mentor. NCCTE will have access to provide CTE support and guidance to BT mentors.
Classroom ObservationsTwo of the CTE New Teacher Institute observations performed may count toward the BT observations. The decision to count the CTE New Teacher Institute observations is at the discretion of the building-level administrator.
District Professional Development ActivitiesCTE Directors and building-level administrators are encouraged to work with their district Beginning Teacher Support Program Coordinator to coordinate training activities of both programs.

Growth in the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards

The goal of the CTE New Teacher Institute is to introduce new teachers to the profession while offering practical skills to be successful in the classroom. Each of the five North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards is addressed in the curriculum and delivered throughout the program to best meet the needs of CTE teachers.